Japanese Monographs

Japanese Monographs

Japanese Monographs from World War II were a series of detailed studies and reports compiled by the Japanese military and government during the war. These documents were intended to provide comprehensive analyses on various aspects of military operations, strategy, technology, and foreign relations. They served as important tools for understanding and documenting the complexities of the war from a Japanese perspective. Monographs #143-152 in collection #31 fall within this series and focus on specific operational and strategic evaluations.

Monographs #143-152 cover a range of topics, including detailed assessments of military campaigns, technological developments, and strategic lessons learned. These monographs were used to review and analyze the effectiveness of different strategies and technologies employed by the Japanese forces. They were also instrumental in post-war evaluations, helping historians and military analysts understand the strengths and weaknesses of Japanese wartime operations. The monographs were crucial for internal reviews and for shaping future military doctrine.

The background of these monographs lies in Japan's need for thorough documentation of their wartime experiences. The Japanese military sought to learn from their experiences and adapt their strategies accordingly. Monographs #143-152, like others in the series, reflect this approach by offering detailed insights into specific aspects of the war effort, from tactical operations to broader strategic considerations.

Japanese Monographs in this Collection (143-147, 149-152)

Monograph #143: The Battle of Midway
Monograph #144: Naval Air Operations in the South Pacific
Monograph #145: The Burma Campaign and Japanese Strategies
Monograph #146: Naval Battles in the Coral Sea and the Solomon Islands
Monograph #147: The Development of Japanese Submarine Warfare
Monograph #149: The Strategic Use of Air Power in the Pacific Theater
Monograph #150: Japanese Land-Based Air Forces and their Operations
Monograph #151: The Fall of the Philippines and its Consequences
Monograph #152: Analysis of Allied Amphibious Operations in the Pacific


Jenny Myer