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  • Tags: 1945

Memorandum to Lt. Colonel Anderson from Lt. Colonel Howard I. Cole, containing summaries of two reports ("Summary of Information Extracted from a Report by a Member of the Staff of the Army Medical Colllege, Tokyo" and "Summary of a Provisional…

Report from the Military Intelligence Service of the United States War Department containing an extract from the ATIS-SWPA Bulletin No 1638, dated December 20, 1944. The documents are from Japanese intelligence reports with information about…

2020-02-13 12-55.pdf
Another intelligence summary and data covering the military, economic, and political fields in Japan, Korea, Philippines, China-Manchuria, South East Asia, and N. E. I.- New Guinea from December of 1945

2020-02-13 12-52.pdf
Intelligence summary and data covering the military, economic, and political fields in Japan, Korea, Philippines, China-Manchuria, South East Asia, and N. E. I.- New Guinea from December of 1945

2020-02-13 12-17.pdf
Bid sheets and transmittal of reports from the Office of the Chief of Counter-intelligence in the Pacific from January 18, 1946

2020-02-13 12-06.pdf
Summary of daily messages, resume of the situation, and miscellaneous information from the General Headquarters Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Military Intelligence from November 11, 1945.

Intelligence report of Japanese political parties and groups by John Harvey of the Intelligence Division of Naval Operations, 5/29/45

Report of Japanese mutilation of American bodies on the Leichow Peninsula by the Office of Strategic Services, 5/29/45

9.2 21Dec1945 Activities at the Secret Laboratroies of the former Army Medical School.pdf
Letter to CIS from IMAJI, dated December 21st, 1945; on the activities at the Secret Laboratories of the former Army Medical School.

9.1 14Dec1945 Memorandum for Officer in Charge on Memorandum from Japanese Communist Party.pdf
Momorandum from the Japanese Communist Party, dated December 14th, 1945, on the activity of the Ishii B.K.A. Corps. Baterial War Army
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