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  • Tags: CINCFE

10.29 1Jul1947.pdf
Memorandum regarding the interrogation of certain Japanese individuals by a Russian prosecutor from July 1st, 1947.

10.25 13May1947.pdf
State-War-Navy coordinating Committee notes on the interrogation of certain Japanese individuals by Russian prosecutors on May 13th, 1947.

10.24 6May1947.pdf
Coded communication between WDGID and CinCFE from May 6th, 1947.

10.8 28Feb1947.pdf
Communication between the Joint Chief of Staff and Commander in Chief of the Far East (CinCFE), MacArthur, from February 28th, 1974 on requests from the USSR to integrate Japanese individuals on Bacteriological Warfare.

10.7 Feb1947.pdf
Coded message from the Commander in Chief of the Far East (CinCFE), C.S. Myers, to WDSCA discussing Japanese interrogations and Soviet documents on February 28th, 1947.
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