Browse Items
- 14th Air force
- 1923
- 1934
- 1935
- 1936
- 1937
- 1937-1943
- 1938
- 1939
- 1940
- 1941
- 1942
- 1943
- 1944
- 1945
- 1946
- 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- 1950
- 4th Marines
- A. C. Carpenter
- A. N. Vasilyev
- A. Panyushkin
- A. T. Thompson
- A.J. McFarland
- A.J. Rehe
- Adjutant General's Office
- Air Force
- Allied General Headquarters
- Allied Translator & Interpreter Section
- Allied Translator and Interpreter Section
- American Bureau
- American Bureau for Medical Aid to China
- American Headquarters
- anthrax
- APO 500
- Army
- Army Medical School
- Army Service Forces
- Asiatic Fleet
- ASN 01321253
- Ataman Semenoff
- Australia
- bacteria
- Bacterial War Army
- Bacterial Warfare
- Bacteriological warfare
- biographical records
- Biological Records
- Biological Warfare
- Boats
- body tissue
- Brisbane
- British Ministry of Information
- British Red Cross Hospital
- bubonic plague
- Burma
- BW
- C.S. Myers
- Camp Detrick
- Capitalism
- Catholic Mission
- Catholic Mission Hunan
- Central Interrogation Center
- Central Liaison Office
- Changteh
- Charles A. Willoughby
- Charles E. Saltzman
- Check Sheet
- Chekiang
- Chemical corps
- chemical warfare
- Chemical Warfare Agents
- Chengtu Affair
- Chiang Kai-Shek
- Chief Chemical Officer
- China
- China Committee
- China Information Committee
- China Press
- China-Japan Reparation Policy Committee
- China's Politics
- Chinese Forces
- Chinese Medical Journal
- Chinese Ministry of Information
- Chinese News Service
- Chinese Press
- Chinese Supply Commission
- cholera
- Chung Sai Yat Po
- Chungking
- Civil Affairs Division
- Civilian Investigator
- Classified Message Center
- CM 1877
- Col. Baynes-Jones
- Col. Bethune
- Col. John H. Ives
- Col. Pash
- Col. Sackton
- Col. Smirnov
- Col. William Mayer
- Colonel Lundeberg
- Colonel R. C. Jacobs
- Committee on Medical Research
- Communism
- Counter-Intelligence
- Crime
- Currency warfare
- D. Reansickler
- Dairen
- Davis Gordon
- Dean G. Acheson
- Dengue Fever
- department of laboratory medicine
- Department of State
- Department of State-Division of Communications and Records-Telegraph Branch
- Diagram
- Disease
- Division of Japanese and Korean Economic Affairs
- Dr. Co Tui
- Dr. Edwin V. Hill
- Dr. Fell
- Dr. Kiyoshi Ota
- Dr. Lim
- Dr. P. Z. King
- Dr. Whayne
- Dr. Wong
- E.H. Julian
- E.H. Powell
- E.L. Turner
- E.M.S.T.S.
- Economic Conditions
- Economy
- Edwin M. Martin
- epidemialogical report
- Equine Encephalomyelitis
- Eric G. Chirgwin
- Ernest H. Powell
- Ernest Sarfati
- experimentation
- F.S. Tavenner Jr.
- Far East Command
- Far Eastern Bureau
- Federal Security Agency
- Fletcher Pratt
- Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service
- Fort Detrick
- Frank S. Tavenner Jr.
- Fukien
- Fukushima
- fungi
- Futaing
- G-2
- Gaylord Anderson
- Gaylord W. Anderson
- Gen. Hilldring
- Gen. Vasiliev
- Gen. Vassiliev
- General Alden C. Wait
- General Baker
- General Fu Tso-Yi
- General Headquarters Far East Command
- General Headquarters Southwest Pacific
- General Headquarters United States Army Forces Pacific
- General Ishihara Kanji
- General Ishii
- General Magee
- General Masai Kitano
- General Simmons
- General Wakamatsu
- General Willey
- General Yamashita
- Geoffrey Marshall
- George C. Marshall
- George W. Merck
- George W. Merok
- Germany
- Group No. 2
- H. K. Tong
- H. Kanemitsu
- H. l. Gilchrist
- H.W. Moseley
- Hanson W. Baldwin
- Harbin
- Harbin Experimental Laboratory
- Harbin Secret Laboratory
- Harold A. Small
- Harold H. Small
- Health Advisement
- Herbert H. Fell
- Herbert Hoover
- Hikosaburo Hata
- Hiroshi Ukki
- Hopeh
- Hosaka Yasutaro
- Hosanna
- Howard I. Cole
- Huitung Aviation Corporation
- Human Experimentation
- Hunan
- Imaji Setsu
- Imperial Family
- Imperial Japanese Government
- India
- influenza
- Intelligence Branch
- Intelligence officer
- Intelligence Report
- intelligence reports
- Intelligence Summary
- International Prosecution Section
- interrogation
- Investigation
- Investigation Division
- Investigation report
- Ishii
- Ishii B.K.A. Corps
- Ishii Shiro
- J. C. Fang
- J.B. Cresap
- Japan
- Japanese
- Japanese Army
- Japanese B Encephalitis
- Japanese Communist Party
- Japanese Government
- Japanese Liaison
- Japanese Liaison G-2
- Japanese Medical Research Institute
- Japanese Military
- Japanese Navy
- Japanese Press
- Japanese Reparations
- John A. Duffy
- John B. Cooley
- John C. Donnell
- John Edgar Hoover
- John Harvey
- John P. Marquand
- John R. Egslaer
- Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Joint Committee on New Weapons and Equipment
- Joseph B. Keenan
- Joseph F. Sartiano
- Joseph K. Dickey
- Joseph Keenan
- Kenneth C. Royall
- Kiangsu-Chekiang
- Kiyoshi Kawashima
- Korea
- Kuming
- Kunming
- Kuomintang
- Kwangsi
- Kwantung Army
- Kwantung Army Stables
- Kyoto
- L.H. Barnard
- Laboratory
- Land Warfare
- Legal Section
- Legal Sextion
- Leon Weaver
- letter
- Lieutenant General K. Dervyanko
- Lit. Col. Yoshitaka Sasaki
- London
- London Daily Express
- Lt. Col. Anderson
- Lt. Col. McQuail
- Lt. Col. Moses
- Lt. Gen. Ishii
- Lt. Gen. Stillwell
- Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
- Maj. Gen. Alder Waitt
- Major Gen. Wilhelm Styer
- Major Karasawa
- Major Yoshiyasu Masuda
- Mamoru Ouchi
- Manchoukuo
- Manchuria
- Masude Report
- Matsushi Shiro
- Medical Corps
- Medical Department
- medicine
- Melville H. Walker
- Mexico
- Military
- military attache
- military attache report
- Military Government
- military intelligence
- Military Intelligence Division
- Military Intelligence Service
- Military Section
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Mishimura
- Missionary letters
- Mongolia
- Moscow
- Motoji Yamaguchi
- Murray Sanders
- N. Paul Hudson
- Nakayama Murder Case
- Nanking
- Nar'bin
- National Archives
- National Health Administration
- Naval Intelligence
- Naval Operations
- Naval Research Laboratory
- Navy Department
- Neal R. Smith
- New Guinea
- New Japanese Organ Shanghai
- New York
- New York Times
- newspaper
- Ningbo
- Nishimura
- Nishimura Takeshi
- No. 330
- North America
- North China
- Northeast China
- Occupied China
- Office Chief Chemical Warfare Service
- Office of censorship
- Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
- Osaka
- Osaka Office
- Ota Kiyoshi
- outbreaks
- Owen V. Keller
- Pacific Stars and Stripes
- Peiping
- Peking
- Peter Kalisher
- Philippines
- Phillippines
- plague
- Plague Epidemic
- PMR 141
- PMR 144
- PMR 147
- PMR 439
- PMR 481
- Polio
- poliomyelitis
- Political Division
- political parties
- POWs
- Premier Konoye
- Prisoner of War
- public health
- Public Safety
- Pyongyang
- Quarantine Stables
- R. B. Lowry
- R. E. Dyer
- R. Fearey
- R.B. Lowry
- R.M. Levy
- R.W. Barnett
- Radio and Cable Center
- Ray F. Chesley
- Red Cross
- Reparations
- Report
- Research
- Robert N. Magill
- Robert P. McQuail
- Roger S. Greene
- Roy T. Yoshida
- Russia
- Russia-Japan
- Russian Encephalitis
- Ryoichi Naito
- Ryuji Kajitsuka
- Sadao Masumori
- Secretary Edwin Cox
- Secretary of State
- Secretary of War
- Seiichi Nakajima
- Sendai City
- Shanghai
- Shanghai Municipal Police
- Shanghai Peace Preservation Corps.
- Shanghai Police
- Shansi
- Shiro Ishii
- Sian Revolt
- Sidney L. Weedon
- Sino-Japanese
- South East Asia
- South Manchuria Railway Co.
- South West Pacific Area
- Soviets
- Special Projects Division
- Spirochetes
- St. Louis Encephalitis
- State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee
- State-War-Navy Coordinating Subcommittee for the Far East
- Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
- Szechuen
- T. Kagoshima
- T. Nobori
- T. V. Soong
- Takashi Murakami
- Takeshi Kino
- Tapieshan Fighting
- Taro Shimomura
- technical report
- Thailand
- The Association of Military Surgeons of the United States
- The Foreign Affairs Association of Japan
- The Hague
- The Manchuria Daily News
- The Reparation program
- The Reparation program of China from Japan
- The Washington Daily News
- Thomas B. Inglis
- Thomas F.M. Scott
- Thomas H. Morrow
- Thornycroft Coastal Boats
- Thos. B. Inglis
- Tie Ten Quee
- Tientsin-Shihchiachwang Railway
- Tokio Machida
- Tokyo
- Tokyo Army Medical College
- Tonie Karasawa
- Trial
- Troops
- Tsingtao Salt Guards
- United States Army
- United States Army Forces
- US
- US Army
- US Embassy in China
- US Marines
- US Military
- US National Censorship
- US soldiers
- US Surgeon General
- USSR-Japan
- V.F. Field
- V.L. Lowrance
- Vaccination
- Viruses
- Voice of China
- W. H. Taliaferro
- W. Roy Ayton
- W.A. Rudlin
- W.A. Schulgen
- W.B.C. Committee
- W.D.C.S.
- W.G. Lalor
- Wang Sze Heng
- War crimes
- War Criminals
- War Department
- War Veterinarians
- Washington D.C.
- Water Purifying Unit
- Water Supply and Purification Unit
- Wilhelm Styer
- William Phillip Simms
- WW2
- Yale-in-China Association
- Yamaguchi Motoji
- Yamashita Shiro
- Yellow Fever
- Yujiro Makamtsu
- Yujiro Wakamatsu