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  • Tags: 1945

Box 5 (2) (1).pdf
Documents from the Naval Research Laboratory, Anacostia Station, addressed to the Officer in Charge, Technical Air Intelligence Center, regarding Balloons and Japanese paper dated March 2nd, 1945.

3.48 RY of BW Intelligence 8 Nov 1944 to 15 Jan 1945.pdf
Supplemented report with information collected from November 8, 1944 to January 15, 1945 by Howard I. Cole regarding the development of biological warfare in Germany and Japan.

3.46 2 Jan 1945 Technical Intelligence Bulletin No 2 on BW.pdf
Technical Intelligence Bulletin by E.H. Julian on January 2, 1945 regarding what constitutes biological warfare and how it was enacted.

9.2 21Dec1945 Activities at the Secret Laboratroies of the former Army Medical School.pdf
Letter to CIS from IMAJI, dated December 21st, 1945; on the activities at the Secret Laboratories of the former Army Medical School.

2020-02-13 12-52.pdf
Intelligence summary and data covering the military, economic, and political fields in Japan, Korea, Philippines, China-Manchuria, South East Asia, and N. E. I.- New Guinea from December of 1945

2020-02-13 12-55.pdf
Another intelligence summary and data covering the military, economic, and political fields in Japan, Korea, Philippines, China-Manchuria, South East Asia, and N. E. I.- New Guinea from December of 1945

Box 2 (8) .pdf
Memorandum for file on the subject of Meeting for BW, SGO from Thomas F. M. Scott Major, Medical Corps. dated June 27th, 1945.
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