Browse Items (297 total)

Weekly Intelligence Reports regarding location and distribution of Chinese forces and Ataman Semenoff's organization in Shanghai, from the commanding officer under office of naval intelligence, to the Commander in Chief, asiatic fleet, Jan-April 1934

Weekly Intelligence Reports regarding reports from a Chinese agent, the Shanghai Police, etc., from the intelligence officer to the commanding officer under office of naval intelligence, November to December 1935

Weekly Intelligence Reports regarding sources of information and foreign forces in Shanghai, from the intelligence officer to the commanding officer under office of naval intelligence, January to February 1936

Weekly Intelligence Reports, from the intelligence officer to the commanding officer under office of naval intelligence, September to December 1936

Weekly Intelligence Reports regarding Thornycroft Coastal Boats and arrangement of coastal motor boats, from the intelligence officer to the commanding officer under office of naval intelligence, March to May 1936

2020-02-13 12-55.pdf
Another intelligence summary and data covering the military, economic, and political fields in Japan, Korea, Philippines, China-Manchuria, South East Asia, and N. E. I.- New Guinea from December of 1945

2020-02-13 12-52.pdf
Intelligence summary and data covering the military, economic, and political fields in Japan, Korea, Philippines, China-Manchuria, South East Asia, and N. E. I.- New Guinea from December of 1945

2020-02-13 10-14.pdf
United States China Committee documents from November 25 to December 6, 1946 regarding the utilization of Japanese reparations.

3.65 12 May 1945. Transmittal of report on Japan and BW Warfare.pdf
Report from the Assistant to the Military Attache to the War Department on May 12th, 1945; regarding Japanese intentions, research, weapons, allegations, and miscellaneous information on biological warfare.
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