Message from CINCFE Tokyo Japan (Carpenter, Legal Section, SCAP) to War (WDSCAWC), with information about the allegations of biological warfare and legal case against Shiro Ishii.
Memorandum to SCAP, Legal Section, Chief Investigation Division from SCAP, Legal Section, Investigating Officer Neal R. Smith, dated July 17th, 1947; on the investigation division case of Motoji Yamaguchi, which gives evidence to Ishii's…
Information from Frank S. Tavenner (SCAP) to A.C. Carpenter (BW Group, Chief Legal Section), dated June 30th 1947; on the current status of different Japanese war criminals.
Incoming Message from WAR to CINCFE, dated June 22nd, 1947; on the Legal Section of SCAP having sufficient evidence for the criminalisation of Ishii's BW group violating rules of land warfare.
Report of Investigation Division by Neal R. Smith (SCAP, Legal Section), dated April 18th, 1947; on the future interrogations to be conducted at Tokyo Office.
Report of Investigation Division by Neal R. Smith (SCAP, Legal Section), dated April 4th, 1947; on experiments conducted on POW at Kwantung Army Stables and the Water Supply and Purification Unit being part of a wider plan of bacteriological warfare.