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  • Tags: 1947

9.36 27Jun1947 Japanese War Crime Trials .pdf
Message from CINCFE to War, dated June 27th, 1947; on the Japanese war crime trial (regarding scattered wheat grain over Ningbo).

10.14 6Mar1947.pdf
The Joint Chiefs of Staff's radio communications to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers about Russian prosecutors requesting to interrogate Japanese individuals from March 6th, 1947.

10.28 29July1947.pdf
Letter to Mr. F. S. Tavenner Jr., including International Prosecution section, from Charles A. Willoughby from July 29th, 1947.

10.27 3July1947.pdf
Letter to Mr. F. S. Tavenner Jr., including International Prosecution section, from Charles A. Willoughby from July 3rd, 1947.

2020-02-12 10-24.pdf
Memorandum on major post-surrender legislation affecting the Zaibatsu from 1947.

Tags: ,

10.1 9Jan1947.pdf
Documents relating to interrogations on Japanese Biological Warfare given by USSR soldiers to American forces in January 1947.

10.23 6May1947.pdf
Memorandum on Russian interest in Japanese interrogations from May 6th, 1947.


10.6 27Feb1947.pdf
Recorded memorandum and conversation from February 27th, 1947 between Col. Bethune, Gen. Vassiliev, and Col. Pash discussing USSR interrogator requesting access to interview Japanese individuals.

10.19 27Mar1947.pdf
Memorandum on Russian request to arrest and interrogate Japanese Biological Warfare experts from March 27th, 1947.
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