Browse Items (297 total)

Box 7 (7).pdf
WBC committee reports on Russian encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, and yellow fever

3.32 29 Nov 1943 Office for Censorship US on Plague Spread in Lung Chuan.pdf
Information regarding Plague spread in Lung Chuan, from the Methodist Mission in Chekiang, Free China to the Methodist Missionary Society in London; picked up by the Office of US Censorship and date November 29, 1943.

3.13 9 April 1942 Voice of China.pdf
Telegram received by the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Government statements recounting Dr. P.Z. King's statement on Japanese BW, dated April 6, 1942.

10.36 Feb271950.pdf
Documents regarding USSR: Overseas and Far East, Moscow, TASS, Soviet Press Service in English Morse to North America from February 27th, 1950.

3.49 20 Jan 1945 Nr. 23754 from US Military Attache to War Department.pdf
Classified Message from the US Military Attache in Chungking, China to the War Department on January 20, 1945 regarding US and Japanese retaliatory measures.

3.45 30 Nov 1945 Military Attache Report on BW.pdf
Military Attache Report by the Military Intelligence Division on November 30, 1944 regarding a Japanese order for each one in three individuals in a family to submit a live rat for creating a bubonic vaccine and "fur coats".

2020-02-12 10-11.pdf
Documents on Japanese Deconcentration from Mr. Throp and to Mr. Butterworth.

2020-02-12 10-24.pdf
Memorandum on major post-surrender legislation affecting the Zaibatsu from 1947.

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9.2 21Dec1945 Activities at the Secret Laboratroies of the former Army Medical School.pdf
Letter to CIS from IMAJI, dated December 21st, 1945; on the activities at the Secret Laboratories of the former Army Medical School.

3.41 16 Oct 1944 Memorandum for Maj. Gen. Styer.pdf
Memorandums for Wilhelm D. Styer from Howard I. Cole on October 16, 1944 regarding the capture of a secret Japanese document about "bacterial strategy".
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