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  • Tags: Biological Warfare

9.36 27Jun1947 Japanese War Crime Trials .pdf
Message from CINCFE to War, dated June 27th, 1947; on the Japanese war crime trial (regarding scattered wheat grain over Ningbo).

3.37 16 June 1944 Joint Committee on New Weaspons and Equipment Memorandum.pdf
Memorandum for Information by the Joint Committee on New Weapons and Equipment on June 16th, 1944; concerning the current intelligence and the difficulties the committee is experiencing.

Box 11(3).pdf
Letter from John Edgar Hoover, director of Naval Intelligence regarding German doctors teaching Japanese the art of bacterial warfare dated January 30th, 1942.

Box 4 (12).pdf
Draft of Defense against sabotage methods of biological warfare in the theater of operations addressed to the Commanding General, all theaters dated February 14th, 1944.

3.26 8 Jan 1943 Letter to Col BayneJones. Digest of Information Regarding Axis Activities in BW.pdf
An enclosed digest of information to Col. Bayne-Jones from J.P. Marquand on January 8, 1943 regarding "Axis Activities in the Field of Biological Warfare".

3.6 20 Dec 1941 Letter to Dr Co Tui.pdf
Cover letter by the E.M.S.T.S to the American Bureau for Medical Aid to China in December 1941 confirming BW waged by the enemy in Changteh, Hunan (missing report).

Box 2 (8) .pdf
Memorandum for file on the subject of Meeting for BW, SGO from Thomas F. M. Scott Major, Medical Corps. dated December 18th, 1945.

Box 11 (13).pdf
Classified message regarding medical intelligence reports and anthrax K vaccine from CG U.S. Army Forces in Far East, GHQ, Southwest Pacific Area, Brisbane, Australia, to the War Department dated September 20th, 1944.

Box 2 (8) .pdf
Memorandum for file on the subject of Meeting for BW, SGO from N. Paul Hudson M.D., Special Consultant, Medical Corps. dated May 2nd, 1945.

3.36 1 Nov 1943 Memorandum for General Simmon.pdf
Memorandum for General Simmons from Executive Officer, R.C.Jacobs, Jr. on November 1st, 1943 regarding the request from Japanese officials that each family provide them with mice in Yeng Chung - Burma - Yunan.
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