Documents on Vaccination of Troops against Yellow Fever from the War Department Adjutant General's Office to The Surgeon General, dated April 19th, 1941.
Conference documents on biological warfare with Lieutenant Colonel R. .C Jacobs G.S.C., Colonel N. E. Barker C.W.S., Colonel James S. Simmons, N.C., Doctor Lewis H. Weed, Doctor Ross G. Harrison, and Doctor A. N. Richards, dated August 20th, 1941.
Letter reporting on the Plague situation in Changteh, number of cases and scientific research done, and its correlation with the aerial attack of November 4th ,1941.
Report to the Secretary of State, Washington D.C., on the plague situation in occupied China during the Winter of 1941, as well as the prevalence of the disease in the different regions beforehand.
Cover letter by the E.M.S.T.S to the American Bureau for Medical Aid to China in December 1941 confirming BW waged by the enemy in Changteh, Hunan (missing report).