Browse Items (24 total)

  • Tags: 1944

Box 2 (7b) .pdf
Brief description of status of BW activities with special reference to medical aspects from the War Department Dated between January and February 1944.

Box 4 (12) (1).pdf
Memorandum for Colonel Karl Lundeberg from the War Department Army Service Forces, Office of the Surgeon General, dated February 14th, 1944.

Box 4 (12).pdf
Draft of Defense against sabotage methods of biological warfare in the theater of operations addressed to the Commanding General, all theaters dated February 14th, 1944.

3.41 16 Oct 1944 Memorandum for Maj. Gen. Styer.pdf
Memorandums for Wilhelm D. Styer from Howard I. Cole on October 16, 1944 regarding the capture of a secret Japanese document about "bacterial strategy".

3.40 3 Oct 1944 Paraphrase of CM in 1877.pdf
Statement from the US Army Forces Pacific Ocean Areas to the War Department on October 3rd, 1944; regarding the transfer of a thousand plague infected rats from Shanghai to Nanking.

Various reports and an interrogation from the United States Army Forces on the CBI (China, Burma, India

3.37 16 June 1944 Joint Committee on New Weaspons and Equipment Memorandum.pdf
Memorandum for Information by the Joint Committee on New Weapons and Equipment on June 16th, 1944; concerning the current intelligence and the difficulties the committee is experiencing.

Box 6 (6) (1).pdf
Documents and intelligence reports regarding newspaper articles on Japanese biological warfare dated from April of 1942 to January 1944.

Box 6 (2) (1).pdf
Report from Military intelligence Division W.D.C.S, Joseph K. Dickey Colonel GSC, on supply and purification unit of the Japanese Army, dated December 6th, 1944.

3.39 2 Oct 1944 Military Attache Report on Japanese BW Miscellaneous Items.pdf
Military Attache Report by the Military Intelligence Division on October 2nd, 1944. The document combines miscellaneous information regarding Japanese biological warfare.
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