Browse Items (299 total)

10.20 27Mar1947.pdf
Brief for the Chief of Staff on March 27th, 1947 regarding Russian interest in Japanese Bacteriological Warfare interrogations.

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5.3.2 8Mar1946 Report Assignement B.pdf
Status report on interrogation of POW involved in incident of Feb. 26, 1936 (From Col. Thomas H. Morrow to Joseph B. Keenan)

10.27 3July1947.pdf
Letter to Mr. F. S. Tavenner Jr., including International Prosecution section, from Charles A. Willoughby from July 3rd, 1947.

9.35 22Jun1947 Incoming Message from WAR to CINCEF.pdf
Incoming Message from WAR to CINCFE, dated June 22nd, 1947; on the Legal Section of SCAP having sufficient evidence for the criminalisation of Ishii's BW group violating rules of land warfare.

10.2 7Feb1947.pdf
On February 7, 1947, The USSR requested to integrate Japanese officers on Biological Warfare from the United States Army Forces.

10.19 27Mar1947.pdf
Memorandum on Russian request to arrest and interrogate Japanese Biological Warfare experts from March 27th, 1947.

5.3.7 8May1946 Japanese Use of Chemical and BW in China.pdf
Summary report of evidence and findings by Col. Thomas H. Morrow, and D.N. Sutton; extracts from indictment presented to the International Military Tribunal

Report of observations on the Chinese by General Willey regarding the wellness of teaching the Chinese

3.46 2 Jan 1945 Technical Intelligence Bulletin No 2 on BW.pdf
Technical Intelligence Bulletin by E.H. Julian on January 2, 1945 regarding what constitutes biological warfare and how it was enacted.
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