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  • Tags: Biological Warfare

Report on currency warfare in occupied China and banking channels by the Chinese Information Committee, June 1943

3.22 13 May 1942 US National Censorship. Enemy Employs Disease Germ Warfare.pdf
Translation by the US National Censorship of an extract of the article "Enemy employs disease-germ warfare" published in 1942 by the Chinese newspaper Chung Sai Yat Po.

9.33 6Jun1947 C-53169 From CINCEF to WAR.pdf
Message from CINCFE to WAR, dated June 6th, 1947; on evidence of use of bacteriological warfare during WW2 by the Japanese army.

9.36 27Jun1947 Japanese War Crime Trials .pdf
Message from CINCFE to War, dated June 27th, 1947; on the Japanese war crime trial (regarding scattered wheat grain over Ningbo).

3.36 1 Nov 1943 Memorandum for General Simmon.pdf
Memorandum for General Simmons from Executive Officer, R.C.Jacobs, Jr. on November 1st, 1943 regarding the request from Japanese officials that each family provide them with mice in Yeng Chung - Burma - Yunan.

Box 6 (2) (1).pdf
Conference documents on biological warfare with Lieutenant Colonel R. .C Jacobs G.S.C., Colonel N. E. Barker C.W.S., Colonel James S. Simmons, N.C., Doctor Lewis H. Weed, Doctor Ross G. Harrison, and Doctor A. N. Richards, dated August 20th, 1941.

3.24 24 Oct 1942 Censorship RRecord from Mexico. Japanese charged with BW.pdf
News correspondences highlighted by the US National Censorship regarding Mexican healthcare and Japanese BW on October 22, 1942.

Box 4 (12).pdf
Document on Biological Warfare training addressed to Commanding General of Army of Ground Forces, Commanders-in-Chief of the Far East Command European Command, Commanding Generals of the U.S. Army Forces in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations,…

Box 2 (6) .pdf
Memorandum for the Surgeon General regarding BW policy, from the War Department, National Academy of Science dated July 20, 1944.

3.26 8 Jan 1943 Letter to Col BayneJones. Digest of Information Regarding Axis Activities in BW.pdf
An enclosed digest of information to Col. Bayne-Jones from J.P. Marquand on January 8, 1943 regarding "Axis Activities in the Field of Biological Warfare".
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