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  • Tags: Japanese Army

9.21 24Jan1947 Translation of Transcription of the Interrogation of NISHIMURA Takeshi.pdf
Translation of transcription of the interrogation of Takeshi Nishimura by E.H.Powell (SCAP, legal section), dated January 24th, 1947; on Mishimura's denial of participating in human experimentation and information provided on Group No.2 Kwantung Army…

9.20 3Dec1946 Report of Investigation Division Legal Section by JC Donnell.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by John C. Donnell (SCAP, Legal Section), dated December 3rd, 1946; on the denial of human experimentation during Maj. General Yujiro Makamtsu's interrogation.

9.19 2Dec1946 Interrogation of Dr Kiyoshi by Keller.pdf
Interrogation of Kiyoshi Ota by Major Owen V. Keller, dated December 2nd, 1946; on the intelligence development of bacterial warfare during the war.

9.18 29Nov1946 PMR481 Records of Nishimura from T. Nobori.pdf
PMR to the General HQ of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers from the Central Liaison Office (T. Nobori), dated November 29th, 1946; on the military and biographical history of Nishimura Takeshi.

9.17 27Nov1946 Report of Investigation Division Legal Section by Taro SHIMOMURA.pdf
Report of Investigation division by Taro Shimomura (SCAP), dated November 27th, 1946; on an interview with Motoji Yamaguchi stating he never engaged in human experimentation.

9.15 15Nov1946 Records of Ishii Shiro by T.Nobori.pdf
PMR by T.Nobori from the Central Liaison Office dated November 15th, 1946 on the military and biographical history of Ishii Shiro.

9.14 12Nov1946 Report of Investigation Legal Section by H. Kanemitsu.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by H. Kanemitsu (SCAP), dated November 12th, 1946; on Hosaka's location and the activities he led in the Osaka Office during WW2.

9.12 5Nov1946 Report of Investigation Division by LH Barnard.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by L.H.Barnard (SCAP), dated November 5th 1946; on the human experimental station at Nar'bin on Allied prisoners.

9.11 14Oct1946 Report of Investigation Division by LH Barnard.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by L.H.Barnard (SCAP), dated October 14th, 1946; on the military and biographical histories of Honji Yamaguchi and Shiro Yamashita.

9.10 4Sep1946 Report of Investigation Division from Harold Small.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by Harold A. Small (civilian investigator), dated September 4th, 1946 on the military and biographical history of subjects complied with by Japanese Government.
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