Translation of transcription of the interrogation of Takeshi Nishimura by E.H.Powell (SCAP, legal section), dated January 24th, 1947; on Mishimura's denial of participating in human experimentation and information provided on Group No.2 Kwantung Army…
Report of Investigation Division by John C. Donnell (SCAP, Legal Section), dated December 3rd, 1946; on the denial of human experimentation during Maj. General Yujiro Makamtsu's interrogation.
Report of Investigation division by Taro Shimomura (SCAP), dated November 27th, 1946; on an interview with Motoji Yamaguchi stating he never engaged in human experimentation.
Report of Investigation Division by L.H.Barnard (SCAP), dated November 20th, 1946; on allegations of human experimentation being done in Ishii's secret laboratories.