Browse Items (299 total)

3.2 13 March 1941 Memo on Japanese BW and Parachute Troops.pdf
Memorandum from the Philippine Department to bring attention to the Chief of Staff on the immunization of troops against tetanus in the Philippine Islands.

Various reports and an interrogation from the United States Army Forces on the CBI (China, Burma, India

General orders by the United States Army Forces by command of Lt. Gen. Stillwell

Health advisement by US Army Forces for personnel in Asia, 12/31/43

Diagram of effects of body tissue from United States Surgeon General's Office

3.40 3 Oct 1944 Paraphrase of CM in 1877.pdf
Statement from the US Army Forces Pacific Ocean Areas to the War Department on October 3rd, 1944; regarding the transfer of a thousand plague infected rats from Shanghai to Nanking.

3.41 16 Oct 1944 Memorandum for Maj. Gen. Styer.pdf
Memorandums for Wilhelm D. Styer from Howard I. Cole on October 16, 1944 regarding the capture of a secret Japanese document about "bacterial strategy".

3.41 16 Oct 1944 Memorandum for Maj. Gen. Styer.pdf
Memorandums for Wilhelm D. Styer from Howard I. Cole on October 16, 1944 regarding the capture of a secret Japanese document about "bacterial strategy".

9.2 21Dec1945 Activities at the Secret Laboratroies of the former Army Medical School.pdf
Letter to CIS from IMAJI, dated December 21st, 1945; on the activities at the Secret Laboratories of the former Army Medical School.

2020-02-12 10-24.pdf
Memorandum on major post-surrender legislation affecting the Zaibatsu from 1947.

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