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10.16 20Mar1947.pdf
Top secret communication from March 20th, 1947 between MacArthur, the Supreme Commander in Chief for the Allied Powers in Tokyo, Japan from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, M.M. Stephens.

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9.38 30Jun1947 Transmittal of Affidavits to Civil Affairs Division, War Crime Branch from A.C. Carpenter.pdf
Transmittal of Affadavits from A.C.Carpenter (BW Group, Chief Legal Section) to Civil Affairs Division, War Crime Branch, dated June 30th 1947; on interrogations of Maj. Gen. Kiyoshi Kawashima and General Tonie Karasawa, with reference made to…

10.23 6May1947.pdf
Memorandum on Russian interest in Japanese interrogations from May 6th, 1947.


9.21 24Jan1947 Translation of Transcription of the Interrogation of NISHIMURA Takeshi.pdf
Translation of transcription of the interrogation of Takeshi Nishimura by E.H.Powell (SCAP, legal section), dated January 24th, 1947; on Mishimura's denial of participating in human experimentation and information provided on Group No.2 Kwantung Army…

9.24 6Feb1947 Report of Investigation Division, Legal Division by Roy Yoshida.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by Mr. Roy T. Yoshida (SCAP, Legal Section), dated February 6th, 1947; on Hiroshi Ukki not being localisable at the address given during the reference report.

9.25 25Feb1947 Report of Investigation Division, Legal Section by Ernest Powell.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by Ernest H. Powell (SCAP, Legal Section), dated February 25th, 1947; on the name of the former commanding officer at Harbin Experimental Section being unknown.

9.23 28Jan1947 Report of Investigation, Legal Division by Neal Smith.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by Neal R. Smith (SCAP, Legal Section), dated January 28th, 1947; on allegations provided by Ryoichi Naito that Shiro Ishii used POW for his research in bacteriological warfare.

9.30 4Apr1947 Report of Investigation Division, Legal Section by Neal Smith.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by Neal R. Smith (SCAP, Legal Section), dated April 4th, 1947; on experiments conducted on POW at Kwantung Army Stables and the Water Supply and Purification Unit being part of a wider plan of bacteriological warfare.

9.31 18Apr1947 Report of Investigation Division, Legal Section Neal Smith.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by Neal R. Smith (SCAP, Legal Section), dated April 18th, 1947; on the future interrogations to be conducted at Tokyo Office.
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