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  • Tags: 1947

10.20 27Mar1947.pdf
Brief for the Chief of Staff on March 27th, 1947 regarding Russian interest in Japanese Bacteriological Warfare interrogations.

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Brief summary of new information about Japanese biological warfare activities, from Camp Detrick to Chief Chemical Corps, 6/20/1947.

Box 4 (12).pdf
Document on Biological Warfare training addressed to Commanding General of Army of Ground Forces, Commanders-in-Chief of the Far East Command European Command, Commanding Generals of the U.S. Army Forces in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations,…

9.39_17.Jul1947 (1).pdf
Memorandum to SCAP, Legal Section, Chief Investigation Division from SCAP, Legal Section, Investigating Officer Neal R. Smith, dated July 17th, 1947; on the investigation division case of Motoji Yamaguchi, which gives evidence to Ishii's…

10.18 25Mar1947.pdf
Check Sheet dated March 25th, 1947, from the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers discussing the use of Japanese Bacteriological Warfare during World War II.

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9.37 30Jun1947 Frank Tavenner to Carpenter, Legal Action Chief in BW Group.pdf
Information from Frank S. Tavenner (SCAP) to A.C. Carpenter (BW Group, Chief Legal Section), dated June 30th 1947; on the current status of different Japanese war criminals.

9.33 6Jun1947 C-53169 From CINCEF to WAR.pdf
Message from CINCFE to WAR, dated June 6th, 1947; on evidence of use of bacteriological warfare during WW2 by the Japanese army.

10.8 28Feb1947.pdf
Communication between the Joint Chief of Staff and Commander in Chief of the Far East (CinCFE), MacArthur, from February 28th, 1974 on requests from the USSR to integrate Japanese individuals on Bacteriological Warfare.

Message from CINCFE Tokyo Japan (Carpenter, Legal Section, SCAP) to War (WDSCAWC), with information about the allegations of biological warfare and legal case against Shiro Ishii.
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