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9.38 30Jun1947 Transmittal of Affidavits to Civil Affairs Division, War Crime Branch from A.C. Carpenter.pdf
Transmittal of Affadavits from A.C.Carpenter (BW Group, Chief Legal Section) to Civil Affairs Division, War Crime Branch, dated June 30th 1947; on interrogations of Maj. Gen. Kiyoshi Kawashima and General Tonie Karasawa, with reference made to…

9.37 30Jun1947 Frank Tavenner to Carpenter, Legal Action Chief in BW Group.pdf
Information from Frank S. Tavenner (SCAP) to A.C. Carpenter (BW Group, Chief Legal Section), dated June 30th 1947; on the current status of different Japanese war criminals.

9.36 27Jun1947 Japanese War Crime Trials .pdf
Message from CINCFE to War, dated June 27th, 1947; on the Japanese war crime trial (regarding scattered wheat grain over Ningbo).

9.35 22Jun1947 Incoming Message from WAR to CINCEF.pdf
Incoming Message from WAR to CINCFE, dated June 22nd, 1947; on the Legal Section of SCAP having sufficient evidence for the criminalisation of Ishii's BW group violating rules of land warfare.

9.34 9Jun1947 Intelligence Information on BW Check Sheet.pdf
Check Sheet on intelligence information on bacteriological warfare from G-2 to LS, dated June 9th, 1947; on the value of information obtained and danger of publicity on the subject of bacterial warfare.

9.33 6Jun1947 C-53169 From CINCEF to WAR.pdf
Message from CINCFE to WAR, dated June 6th, 1947; on evidence of use of bacteriological warfare during WW2 by the Japanese army.

9.32 3Jun1947 Incoming Nessage from WAR to CINCFE.pdf
Incoming message from WAR (WDSCA WO) to CINCFE, dated June 3rd 1947; on evidence and confirmation by Ishii of human experimentation being carried out.

9.31 18Apr1947 Report of Investigation Division, Legal Section Neal Smith.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by Neal R. Smith (SCAP, Legal Section), dated April 18th, 1947; on the future interrogations to be conducted at Tokyo Office.

9.30 4Apr1947 Report of Investigation Division, Legal Section by Neal Smith.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by Neal R. Smith (SCAP, Legal Section), dated April 4th, 1947; on experiments conducted on POW at Kwantung Army Stables and the Water Supply and Purification Unit being part of a wider plan of bacteriological warfare.

9.29 17Mar1947 Report of Investigation Division, Legal Section by John Duffy.pdf
Report of Investigation Division by John A. Duffy (Civilian Investigator, SCAP, Legal Section), dated March 17th, 1947; on interviews with Mamoru Ouchi and Tokio Machida and experiments conducted on POW at the Kwantung Army Quarantine Stable.
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