Browse Items (297 total)

Paraphrase of a cable from CG, Rr. Echelon GHQ, SWPA to the War Department, dated August 2, 1944. Contains allegations from a prisoner of war about research done by Major General Shiro Ishii on bacillus bombs in Harbin, Manchuria.

2020-02-13 10-14.pdf
United States China Committee documents from November 25 to December 6, 1946 regarding the utilization of Japanese reparations.

Report on currency warfare in occupied China and banking channels by the Chinese Information Committee, June 1943

2020-02-11 14-39.pdf
Information form United States Forces in the China Theater regarding the Chinese National Military Council from May 29, 1945.

Box 11 (12)-10-13.pdf
Letter from medical doctor WW Pettus to Col. William Mayer of the US Embassy in China regarding the Bubonic Plague in China, 12/20/41

3.22 13 May 1942 US National Censorship. Enemy Employs Disease Germ Warfare.pdf
Translation by the US National Censorship of an extract of the article "Enemy employs disease-germ warfare" published in 1942 by the Chinese newspaper Chung Sai Yat Po.

9.33 6Jun1947 C-53169 From CINCEF to WAR.pdf
Message from CINCFE to WAR, dated June 6th, 1947; on evidence of use of bacteriological warfare during WW2 by the Japanese army.

9.36 27Jun1947 Japanese War Crime Trials .pdf
Message from CINCFE to War, dated June 27th, 1947; on the Japanese war crime trial (regarding scattered wheat grain over Ningbo).

Message from CINCFE Tokyo Japan (Carpenter, Legal Section, SCAP) to War (WDSCAWC), with information about the allegations of biological warfare and legal case against Shiro Ishii.

10.7 Feb1947.pdf
Coded message from the Commander in Chief of the Far East (CinCFE), C.S. Myers, to WDSCA discussing Japanese interrogations and Soviet documents on February 28th, 1947.
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